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Organization Event Management

Registering an Event

All student organization events held on campus must be registered with the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership via Campus Groups two weeks prior to the event. To register an event with the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership, reference the How to Register an Event page.

Event Guidelines

  • Campus organizations are not allowed to sell food or drink in the Student Union.
  • Campus activities cannot be held during dead days and finals week. For further information, contact the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership at 337-482-6272.
  • The use of the University’s name or logo for events must be cleared through the Office of Communications and Marketing in Martin Hall, Room 319, 337-482-6397. Learn more about using the University’s logo here.
  • The Office of Student Engagement & Leadership can assist student organizations with event planning and marketing. Contact 337-482-6272, email at, or visit our office in the Student Union, Room 162 for assistance.
  • All student organization-sponsored events held on campus must be registered and approved in Campus Groups TWO WEEKS prior to promoting the event..
  • All food/catering in or around the Student Union must go through Sodexo. If your event is in any other location on campus (or outdoors), a licensed, third-party vendor must cook, provide, and/or serve the food. Third-party licensed vendors, including food trucks, must email Cassie Methany (  - 14 business days in advance of the event – to apply to be a licensed vendor and/or to apply for a parking permit. You will not be able to promote this vendor at your event until the vendor provides their approval. If your event requires catered food to be delivered, and it will be consumed immediately upon delivery, this is permissible. For more information, please click here. (Student orgs should e-mail Heidie Lindsey at with questions.)
  • Fundraisers – Food items may be sold only if they are prepared and individually packaged by a third party (a company, not an organization member) AND do not require that a specific temperature be maintained for the health and safety of that food.
  • Coin drive fundraisers are permitted to be done from a stationary table. This type of event cannot be done by members standing on street corners asking passing motorists for money.

Events with Alcohol

Alcohol Sale, Possession, and Consumption

Students, regardless of age, are prohibited from selling, possessing, or consuming Alcohol on University or University-related premises, except in those areas and under those conditions authorized by the President or his designee, and then only in accordance with this Policy and state and local laws.

1. On-Campus Events: All on-campus events where Alcohol is to be present must be registered with and approved by Student Engagement and Leadership through Engage. The person responsible for the registered event must attend a one-hour workshop provided by ODAEP. Workshops shall be held at least twice yearly and will include, but not be limited to, education about this Policy, as well as other relevant University policies. The following is a non-exclusive list of the requirements for hosting an event with Alcohol on University campus:

  • Alcoholic beverages shall be served only by a third-party vendor.
  • No unopened containers of Alcoholic beverages shall be sold.
  • Beverages sold must be consumed in the area in which they were sold.
  • All local, parish, and state ordinances/laws regarding the sale, possession, and consumption of Alcohol, and related behavior (e.g., public intoxication or disorderly conduct) shall apply.
  • Any person who purchases, possesses, or consumes Alcoholic beverages must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age. Proof of age may be required at any time during such process by authorized University and/or law enforcement officials.
  • University Police Officers shall be in attendance at all events providing Alcohol according to the discretion of the University’s Police Department and as otherwise deemed necessary by the Vice President of Student Affairs or his or her designee.
  • The sale or serving of Alcohol will end no later than one-half (1/2) hour prior to the scheduled end of the event and shall not extend beyond 2 a.m.
  • Alcohol may be sold on Sundays, but only in accordance with local and state laws.
  • Non-alcoholic beverages must be available at the same time and place as Alcoholic beverages. The availability of non-alcoholic beverages must be obvious. Water is not an acceptable alternative non-alcoholic beverage.
  • Food must be available at the same time and place as Alcoholic beverages.
  • Drinking games are not permitted, tolerated, and are not to be encouraged.
  • No common sources of Alcohol shall be distributed at any time at any event (i.e. kegs, keg balls, jungle juice, and bottles of liquor).

Any Student or Student Organization that provides Alcohol without registering its event with the University’s Office of the Dean of Students and on Engage, or that uses the name of the University and serves Alcohol without going through the proper procedures or without following state and local laws, will be referred to the University Police Department and Student Rights and Responsibilities for disciplinary action.

2. Off-Campus Events. The University cannot take responsibility for monitoring the off-campus environment; however, the University does expect that all members of its campus community involved in off-campus events where Alcohol is present take it upon themselves to use this Policy as a guide in planning and conducting their events. As members of the University community, Students are expected to comply with and abide by the Code of Student Conduct and all University policies, as well as local and state laws.

The entire Student Alcohol and Drug Policy, including potential sanctions for violations, can be found at:

Facility Policies

All student organizations must follow the established University regulations regarding the use of University property and facilities for events. View the regulations in the Academic Facilities Use form for UL Lafayette Departments.

Student organizations are responsible for knowing and understanding facility guidelines.

Events held in the Student Union may not be advertised outside of the University without the written approval of the Student Union Director in the Student Union, Room 101. This includes, but is not limited to, posters, newspaper, radio, television, and public service announcements. Organizations must take steps to insure that performers, etc., comply with this advertising regulation.

Amplification is not allowed for student activities on campus during class hours. This includes the Quad. Amplification on the Student Union porch is allowed during specified hours, set by the Student Union.

Event Sponsorship

Any fundraising activity that involves seeking contributions from businesses or the Lafayette community must be cleared by the Office of Development in the Alumni Center, 337-482-0922.

Organizations may not accept any monies including sponsorships, endorsements, etc. from the tobacco industry, credit card companies, or political candidates.

Special Events 


Campus organizations that are officially chartered by the University can conduct up to four (4) fundraising drives per year. This includes activities held on or off campus.

Can shakes, bake sales, and car washes are not counted toward the four permitted drives. Participation by a campus organization in an event sponsored by a community nonprofit or service organization is not considered a fundraising drive and should not be included in the four drives.

Apply for a limited license

The sponsoring organization must apply for a limited license to conduct charitable gaming at least six weeks before the date ticket sales begin. Visit the Louisiana Office of Charitable Gaming Control of the State Department of Public Safety and Corrections for more information. Contact the Charitable Gaming Office at 225-925-1835 or toll-free at 800-562-9235.

Ticket sales may not begin until the limited license is granted by the Division of Charitable Control and has been received by the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership.

Voter Registration Drives

The University encourages all students to register to vote. Student Organizations may hold voter registration drives. These drives must be booked through the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership. You may register to vote online.

Blood Drives 

All blood drives sponsored or co-sponsored by a student organization must contact the Dean of Students office at 337-482-6276 or email Dean Perez at

Credit Card Drives

Credit card fundraisers are not allowed for any UL Lafayette student organization. Credit card solicitation/advertisement is prohibited on campus.

Speaker Events 

As an institution of higher learning, UL Lafayette is dedicated to providing an opportunity for its members to encounter a range of ideas and differing views on issues of great importance. It is the process of examining these views and selecting among them that is the foundation for learning and, in a democracy, an essential starting point in the search for one’s own system of values. For this reason, it is essential that the University protect the right of recognized organizations to invite speakers and the right of those interested in the speaker’s views, whether in agreement or disagreement, to hear them expressed.

Speakers must be sponsored by a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) or department in order to use University facilities.

Political Events, Candidates for Public Office 

Only recognized student organizations may request a table in the Union or other approved location on campus for the purpose of sponsoring a political candidate as a speaker.

  • Political signs are not allowed on campus.
  • Signs announcing events or programs must indicate the student group sponsoring the event or program.
  • A representative of the student organization must stay with the political candidate at all times while on campus.