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Organization Recertification Check List for Academic Year 2016-2017

Attend organization president and advisor meeting every fall semester. The Fall 2016 schedule will be posted soon. All organization presidents MUST attend.

This year, your organization should re-certify by updating your OrgSync profile. 

Submit recertification online form no later than September 29th to obtain recognition for the academic 2016-2017 year. Instructions will be provided at the recertification meeting. Include with online certification form an updated roster of organization members.

Complete Alcohol Workshops (if applicable)- mandatory for those organizations having events with alcohol (including tailgating)

  • Alcohol Workshop - At least one member of your organization must complete the e-checkup program located in your ULink under the students tab. Send a PDF of the certifcate to

Online recertification form, organization updated roster,  and alcohol workshop completion(if applicable) MUST be completed/submitted by Friday, October 9th, 2016.


Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Student Union 169